Bergerac old-town centre
Every single day of the year there's something going on at the Maison des vins in Bergerac… Situated in the heart of the old town, in the Recollets cloister that dates back to the 17th century, the Maison des Vin is many things rolled into one: a reception area, a sensory learning centre around wine (permanent exhibition "Le Vin est un Voyage"/ "Wine is a journey" open for free all year round), an advisory space for trips to wine-growers and the ideal place for wine-tasting thanks to a well-stocked "vinothèque" or "wine library". If you want to take something home, over a hundred wines are available for sale at producer prices. Not forgetting the numerous daily proposals to meet wine-growers, in summer (the full programme is available on line at our website)...
Maison des vins de Bergerac, 1, rue des Récollets, 24100 Bergerac - +33(0)5 53 63 57 55 or

Gourmet addresses in Bergerac
Some of the best tables in town see local wine producers and chefs working hand in hand. To mention just a few, let's start with the Vin’Quatre, a cosy place recently taken over by young English chef Charlie Ray with Mélanie Legrand in charge of selecting local wines, or the Table du Marché Couvert with its local-seasonal or à la carte cuisine and creative wines.
You can also get the taste of Périgord on the go during the Bergerac Gourmet Visits, organised by the tourist office every Wednesday from April to October. Rendez-vous at 10.30am for a guided visit of the old town that ends with a tasting session at the Bergerac market (€6.50 for adults, €4 for children).
La Table du Marché Couvert, +33(0)5 53 22 49 46 ou
Le Vin’Quatre, +33(0)5 53 22 37 26 ou
Things are on the move in Bergerac!
Started in 2017, construction of the Green Lane Cycle Track continues. The aim, between now and 2020, is to link up 35 kilometres of safe cycle tracks passing through the port just in front of the Maison des Vins. Place, which, in 2019, became the Bergerac house of Wine and Tourism by teaming up with the Tourist Office in an iconic building on the edge of the historical old town. A big wine bar has been created overlooking the panoramic terrace along the river, and a scenographic area dedicated to Cyrano and wine that will set up in the 17th century Récollets cloister.